Not all events have the option to purchase a personalized HD video. If your event provides a video, you will be able to see a general sample video on your photo gallery page. You will also see the option to purchase the "FinisherPix Photo & HD Video Pack - Download" from the top of your photo gallery page. If you have already preordered the "All Photos or FinisherPix Photo Pack", you can still order your personalized HD video separately.
To order your personalized HD video, click on any picture in your gallery. Then select "VIDEO" in the opening product list and click on the little shopping cart beside the product "FinisherPix Personal HD Video – Download". Complete your purchase by clicking on the shopping cart icon in the top right corner of your screen. Once the video is produced, you will receive a link via email. Please note that your photos link will be sent in a separate email from your video link.